Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Playing Along - A "Beary" Happy Birthday

The girls and I are playing along with everyone over at Childhood 101 We Play once again.

Birthdays are so much fun to plan and celebrate, especially when kids are involved! Miss M has been planning her 4th birthday since her 3rd so there's been much discussion going on about what she would like to do. Her birthday happens to be three months away which can seem like such a long time to wait!

"Jessie Bear", her special teddy, seems to be getting older very quickly because Miss M celebrates her birthday often. This was Jessie Bear's 3rd birthday party (pictured below) at the dinner table. She had an ice-cream cake topped with sprinkles and tiny teddies and we all sang happy birthday to her.
"Happy Birthday dear Jessie Bear.
Happy Birthday to you!"

And the birthday fun continues......

Miss M has been baking birthday cakes in the sandpit in recent days. Here is Miss H's birthday cake (her real birthday isn't 'till November) but we enjoyed pretending together. She seemed to think it was a wonderful thing that we sang happy birthday to her. She clapped and smiled and tried to sing along too. The lovely flowers (and weeds) from around the yard made beautiful decorations for a cake and a stick in the middle of the cake became the candle.

"Happy Birthday my little sister!" - Miss M

I'm very sure we'll have many more pretend birthday parties but thankfully Jessie Bear continues to smile as more birthdays come her way. She looks very good for her age don't you think!

Another cake for Jessie Bear. What a lucky bear she is!

Come and play at the Childhood 101 We Play link up

We Play


Unknown said...

There's just something kids love about birthdays, isn't there! So very cute - and yes, Jessie does look fantastic for her age!

amandab said...

I think we have been planning Princess' 4th birthday since late last year, and we still have 2 months before it arrives!

Strangely, as birthday obsessed as she is we don't do much birthday play, although it will be talked about in relation to "imaginary friends" .. (these are imaginary friends Princess has, and refers to as such, but that she never plays with, just talks about).

Lauren said...

Nails, toothpicks or matches in playdough make *excellent* candles in a birthday cake!

Marita said...

Birthdays are one of my girls fav. role plays too. They are such exciting and fun events that it is very enjoyable to recreate them :)

Sneaky mummy that I am I use the role plays to practice social skills such as saying thank you for gifts and not stealing other childrens presents.

SquiggleMum said...

LOL that sandpit cake looks just like one I took a photo of this week in our sandpit!

joyce:waddleeahchaa.com said...

This week in the United States we are celebrating our nations birthday. There are picnics, parades and lots of fireworks. This year there will be four generations of our family gathered together to watch the fireworks in our local park. Happy Birthday America.

Busy Brissy Mum said...

@ Joyce - have a wonderful time celebrating with your family. Sounds wonderful!

@ Cath/ Squigglemum - He he...I often see our kids doing similar things. They are very close in age.

@ Marita - pretend play is the best time to sneak a few learning experiences in. I love that you teach manners at the play birthday parties.

@ Amanda - Princess sounds a little like my Miss M. The fun a 3yr old can have!! We haven't "seen" our imaginary friends around in a while.

@ Deb/ Aspiring Mum - I'll let Jessie know you think she looks good. Tedda is apparently getting a birthday party this weekend. Good to give Jessie a break.

Christie - Childhood 101 said...

Mmmm, those cakes look so good! I love that Jessie has an actual ice cream cake - classic :)

Busy Brissy Mum said...

Christie, only the best for our Jessie!! He he he!!


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