Friday, August 13, 2010

Five for Friday - Five Things That Made Me Smile This Week

I am joining in the Five for Friday fun over at Aspire Mum today. Here's my list of smiley things.....

Baby Love

The next best job to being a mum is definitely being an aunty to my beautiful niece and nephews. At the end of last week SJ, my gorgeous new nephew was welcomed into the world. Seeing all the pictures family have been sending has made me smile. I'm sure I'll smile even more though when I get to meet him in person and give him a squishy cuddle. He is adorable and I am certainly one happy aunty!

The Windy Kindy

2011 will be Miss M's kindy year so we have been attending all the open days for the local kindys we enrolled Miss M in. This week we received a letter asking us if we would like to accept an offer at one of the kindys we were hoping she would attend. She is very excited and I am so pleased it has all worked out. The Open Day for this kindy happened on a very crazy windy Brisbane day but we could see how great the kindy set up was and what a lovely time Miss M will have next year. Yippee! I think she's going to love it which makes me smile just thinking about it.

"Daddy, Are You?"

I think it will always be a little sad when we have to say goodbye to some of the special sentences and words our littlies say when they are learning to speak. Miss H (21 mths) goes around the house saying, "Daddy (or Mummy), are you?", when she is looking for us. Daddy has been in Melbourne for work so early in the morning she has been wandering around the house asking, "Daddy, are you?"

Miss M (3.11) has been saying "tobally" for totally and making up all kinds of intresting songs - hilarious. How can a mummy not smile at these things!

God at Work

Just over a year ago my brother was in a motor accident where his right leg was broken in several places. We had reason to smile this week after hearing that he has been able to move his foot just a little. His leg has been in a metal frame and the bottom half of it was recently removed. Thank you God for this little glimmer of hope. This makes me smile a grateful smile. I've been so proud of my brother. He has shown great patience, determination, strength and faith over the past difficult year. We don't know what lies ahead but we know God is faithful and will look after him.

Painting Day

Today the girls and I have just enjoyed each other's company whilst playing together in the play room. One of the activities included was painting, both easel painting (to clean out our bowls of Cel mix paint from the body painting) and some simple cotton bud painting.

I love days where we can enjoy arty fun together so it was a very positive morning painting away. The girl's bright and colourful artwork drying on the outside line has made me smile ever since.

It's been a special week. What's on your Five for Friday list? Please head over to Aspire Mum to link up.


Hannah said...

oh aren't there little sentences soo cute?! Zo says that too!

Prayers for your brother too!

Unknown said...

Thanks for joining in Amanda! Your nephew is just gorgeous! Praise God for S's progress with his leg. Will continue to pray.

Busy Brissy Mum said...

Look at we three girls all with special men in our life getting round on crutches. Praying for all three : )

Elise said...

Congratulations on your new adorable nephew. I am not an Aunty yet, but cannot wait until my three little cherubs have some cousins to play with.

That is great news that you got an offer from a kindy that you wanted. What a relief.

I know what you mean about those precious little sentences that you hear every day and that you know will be a memory when your baby grows up.

I am going to keep your brother in my prayers.

I like the idea of this post where you recall five things that made you smile during the week. I need to join in.

Busy Brissy Mum said...

I can see you'd make a wonderful Aunty Elise. Thank you for your kind words and especially for keeping my brother in your prayers. He certainly needs all the prayer he can get.

Please do get involved in Five For Friday. Aspire Mum is one of my good friends and she is a beautiful mummy and lovely person. I've enjoyed putting the lists together. It reminds me just how great things are.


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