Friday, August 20, 2010

A New Job for Our Bathroom Tiles - Tile Printing

With the rain around in Brissy today we had lots of indoor play time to enjoy. The girls have taken to matching and dominoes games lately. We played them for most of the morning but I really wanted to give tile printing a go. I saw it here and here on one of my favourite blogs, Let the Children Play a little while ago and was keen to try it, especially since I knew we were well stocked up with everything needed to do it.

Living in a reno house means there are lots of goodies lying around under the house which could serve all kinds of purposes. Today we used the off-cuts of the bathroom tiles for some painty fun. I knew it would be a bit messy so the girls put on some plastic bag art aprons and they did one print after the other. It was a great way to spend the morning. Now I just have to figure out what we'll do with all our prints.

Finger painting, then making prints.


Brooke said...

Fantastic idea! We have a bunch of tiles lying around (extras from the house). This may be the only way they ever get used!

Hannah said...

Ooh! We will definitely try this out when we've redone our bathroom!

Busy Brissy Mum said...

Next time we're going to try using things other than our hands and fingers to do the prints. Definitely give it a go Brooke and Hannah. It's a great activity.

Alana Geikie said...

Hang them on the wall, perhaps? The tiles do resemble a canvas, after all. Anyway, it seems like a fun way to use those tiles that didn't get used for those building/reno projects.

Ceiling Contractors Suffolk said...

Very thooughtful blog


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