Thursday, November 12, 2009

A "Beary Special" Morning

If you went into the woods (Wendouree Park) yesterday you would have been sure of a big surprise because yesterday was the annual Teddy Bear's Picnic for our mums group. I wish you had been there to see it! Our cute little bunch of kidlets and their teddies (rabbits and dollies too!) came to the park to enjoy a "beary special" morning together.

We had a morning tea filled with "beary yummy" teddy bear treats including the teddy bear cupcakes pictured above. I found this idea in the Woman's Weekly Kids Party Cakes book - how could we not have cupcakes! We did all the favourite bear songs and rhymes like 'Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear', 'Rock-a-bye Your Bear', 'Round and Round the Garden' and 'I Know a Hairy Bear' followed by the "beary scary" story 'Where's My Teddy?'. (It's not really that scary but it's is a favourite in our house!)

Together we all went on a huge bear hunt singing our way round the park to which afterwards one little girl told me that she was scared. It was a lot of fun.....and a little bit scary!

To end our "beary special" morning each teddy who came along went home with a prize and Miss M's "Jessie Teddy" received the Sweetest Smelling Bear award since she smells just like strawberries. I'm sure many little teddies and kidlets went home for a lovely big sleep after their big day out and they may even talk about this "beary fun" morning 'till the next Teddy Bear's Picnic comes around next year! Look out for my blog on Wendouree Park coming up.


Elise said...

What a great way to spend a morning at the park. I have not heard of Wendouree Park, but I am going to check it our further.

Those themed cupcakes are adorable. What a special treat for everyone. A bear hunt would have been so much fun. How special to give each teddy a prize.

This must have been such a memorable morning for all who attended.

Narelle said...

Those teddy bears are so very cute :)

Busy Brissy Mum said...

The teddy bears were kinda fun to make. It was tricky to show you anything else from the morning since all the photos included other peoples kids. The park is a great one Elise. I liked how shady it was.


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