Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Inspired Play Makes for a Great Day

There has been a buzz of excitement in some of our play recently because we've tried new activities I came across online. We have....

...had a lovely tea party with Lemongrass Tea,
thanks to an idea I found from Jenny at Let the Children Play.
This was a a great way to use the lemongrass from our veggie patch.

...put pasta in our water trough (without water) and had fun pouring and mixing and making and baking. This has been thanks to Christie sharing her We Play idea over at Childhood 101.

....had an absolute blast making salad spinner art on these paper plates.
You have to give this art idea a go. We couldn't stop once we started!
It really is the most fun EVER!
I found this amazing idea over at Irresistible Ideas for Play Based Learning.

Blog inspired play is a wonderful way to have a great day! Which blog sites do you find inspiring and what activities have you tried because of them?


Unknown said...

I have found some lovely ideas on your site :) The pasta reminded me that I haven't done that in a very long time with my kids. I still need to buy that salad spinner....

Busy Brissy Mum said...

And I have found some great ideas on your blog Debbie. Your site always gets me thinking : ) You can borrow my salad spinner if you like. I should start calling it the paint spinner because I'm not quite sure it will return to it's original use.

Christie - Childhood 101 said...

The salad spinner paintings are so effective, gorgeous. Glad you enjoyed your pasta play :)

Anonymous said...

Great ideas, thank you! Unfortunately I'm having problems with the link for the salad spinner activity. Not sure if I'm the only one??? They look great, can't wait to see instructions :)


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