Friday, August 6, 2010

Five For Friday - Things That Made Me Smile This Week

I am joining in the Five For Friday fun over at Aspire Mum today. I love this blog! Debbie gets me thinking about all kinds of topics and I love to read about the joy that comes from her beautiful family. Here's my list of five things that made me smile this week.....

Sister Love

We decided not to send Miss M to kindy this year for her year of being three. For us it is important for Miss M and Miss H to build a great relationship because it won't be long before each of them will go their separate ways for most of the week. I've never doubted this decision even though at times it has been a bit full on having a big girl who wants to play "big girl games" and a little girl who very much wants to join in the games of her big sister.

This week I have seen some beautiful moments of sister love and have enjoyed watching as they've included each other in their own play. Miss M will be off to kindy next year and things will change. I'm glad my girls can be together now.

Playing horses

On the Move - Making Room

After talking about this for a while now, we decided to move our girls into the same room. It has seemed apparent to us that both the girls needed a little more company. We wondered how this would go and so far so good. Moving Miss H into Miss M's room has freed up Miss H's old room, so for the time being it has become "the quiet room" for quiet games and reading books. (The bookshelf didn't fit in their room!) Miss H LOVES reading books with family members. We read the same books over and over, all day long! She also LOVES to read books by herself so this room has become a great spot for her to enjoy her love of books.

I found her reading there this morning. This made me smile. Just having the new space also makes me smile. It's a happy room.

My Little Girl is Growing Up!

We've had a few weeks of sickness here. It's gone from one family member to another to another (thankfully I didn't really get it!). There had to be an upside to all this staying at home due to illness. Miss H (21mths) decided that she'd like to start toilet training. It has completely taken me by surprise. I hadn't even thought about starting her yet. She asked for the potty to be brought upstairs from under the house two days ago and has been going ever since. Of course this has made me smile from ear to ear.

Too Many Tomatoes

Our veggie patch has been giving us tomatoes on a daily basis. We get big ones and cherry ones so we're pretty excited because tonight's plan is to use them all to make a soft taco meal together. Getting things we've grown from the veggie patch always makes me smile but this makes me giggle just a little bit too. I've never been a huge fan of tomatoes but I'm sure Jamie Oliver would be proud of me as I've been eating them in all kinds of things since we've been growing them.

"I will not ever, never eat a tomato". ~ Lola (Charlie and Lola)

Miss M's People

I get a lot of joy out of seeing the people and other things Miss M draws. She enjoys drawing so much that there are always lots of pictures around the place for me to find. This drawing of Miss M, daddy and Miss H made me smile greatly. What makes me smile most is the stripes on daddy's clothes, their hair and the shoes on the feet. We're starting to see more detail in her drawings this week so for this creative mummy it's a wonderful part of her drawing development.

"Daddy, Miss M and Miss H".

So there you have it - my Five For Friday. It's a great feeling to be able to smile about things in amongst a week of sickness and to be honest a little bit of frustration. Thanks Debbie for encouraging me to do it!

What have you smiled about in your week? Why not head over to Aspire Mum and start your list too.


Elise said...

What a "beauty full" list. I love those moments that melt your heart when you see your children playing together and getting on so well.

Having a separate room for quiet games and reading sounds like a perfect "addition" to your home. I shared a room with my sister (who is 18 months younger) and we loved it - lots of giggles and chatter before we went to sleep. When we were around ten years old we were ready to each have our own space and the sewing room was converted into my bedroom.

Veggie patches are so rewarding. I can only imagine the different types of things you are making to use all those tomatoes.

Threading pom poms - who knew? I am always in craft stores and I have never seen these. I will be checking out the link you provided for the Speedy Art Supply shop. This could prove dangerous as I like to have a very well stocked craft cupboard and can't seem to contain myself when I come across something I think we may use!!

Busy Brissy Mum said...

Oh Elise, please don't just take a look at Speedy.....YOU NEED THE CATALOGUE!!!! It's amazing. He he!! You'll have to get one sent to you. (If they do that)

I often wonder what your art/craft cupboard looks like 'cause you always have so may great resources. I discovered the threading pom poms recently. Such a great thing to have.

How great is your story about sharing a room with your sister. There was one moment this week when Miss M yelled out to Miss H, "Get out of my room!" I had to giggle before saying "Miss M this room belongs to both of you now". Miss H was once again in to Miss M's space and stuff. Fun times ahead! Still there has been many beautiful moments.

Unknown said...

Thanks for joining in Amanda. It's nice to reflect back on the week. Your girls will love sharing - ours do. And I love the 'quiet room' idea.

I also can't believe that you're starting toilet training with Miss H. It seems like yesterday that you were going through that with Miss M!

Your tomatoes look divine!


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