Easel painting is always a favourite with my girls no matter when it is set up and now that I have two girls there are times that I like to set up the painting a little differently to allow them to enjoy the experience together, side by side. We don't own two easels or a double sided one but we do have the ugliest fence in the street (I'm sure it must be!) and so I put it to good use.
You will need...
Paper - of your choice - we used white easel paper this morning
Paint - choose any (celmix, water, acrylic) but remember water based are better if you don't want your kids to permanently paint your fence
Pegs - to hold your paper up
Brushes - or whatever you'd like to paint with (rollers, toothbrushes, sticks etc)
Hang the paper up at your child's level using pegs. If your fence doesn't allow for pegs like ours does, just tie a line of string, wool or fine rope on to your fence to hang the paper instead.
Secure your pots of paint in a low bucket, tray or pot holder.
Let the kids enjoy painting their paper and when they've finished leave the paintings to dry in the sun.
We live on a street corner so this activity can sometimes stop traffic. The pedestrians stop to ask what we are up to. One day I think it would be fun to get them involved too by hanging the paper on the other side of the fence. What do you think?
That sounds like a wonderful idea! Solves my problem of stopping them getting messy again while I'm trying to clean the next girl!
And it combines two of their favourite activities!
THAT is the perfect fence for painting.
Cool idea. And, I sympathise about the sniffles and snuffles - it must be one of those weeks!
This would be great with your girls Hannah. I know what you meant about juggling the kids when doing easel painting. I find the same thing when I use the easel with my two.
@ Kelly - It would be fun to have a few little friends over for a play and peg the paper up right the way round. One day!
@ Julie - prayers for your family too. It definitely seems to be one of those weeks!
Hi there... I ended up at your site the other day after contacting a play based kindy organisation in Melbourne, who then sent me your blog details... anyway.. I was happily surprised when I read your 'about me' section as one of my favourite activities with my littlies is hunting at op shops for toys and clothes! And I also live in Brisbane. Anyway, just wanted to say hi.
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