We collect cookie cutters. Sometimes we find a few when we go on treasure hunts and add them to our container and I have some great ones I have been given as gifts or have purchased over the years. Here are five creative things that can be done with cookie cutters....
1 + Play with play dough +
There is nothing better than having a big blob of play dough kept in the fridge ready for use at any time. We use all kinds of different things with our dough but I like to have the cookie cutters available for a spur of the moment play dough play. This recipe is perfect for play with cutters.
2 + Bake some biscuits +
Here's an easy peasy recipe we like to use for baking biscuits and here it is being used with cutters. Cookie cutters are great for little hands that like to help with cooking.
3 + Print on paper +
4 + Trace around +
With this activity we took three sheets of crisp white easel paper and joined them together with tape. I tipped the cookie cutters out and the girls used felt pens to trace around the shapes. This was a good activity to do while I cooked the dinner. The girls were kept busy creating.
5 + Sandwich shapes +
Making sandwich shapes from cookie cutters is as simple as buttering the bread, adding the filling and making shapes in the bread using cutters. I find the best bread for this is the bread you can purchase at the supermarket. As lovely as fresh bread from the bakery is, the bread shape doesn't allow for many cutter shapes and you want to try and get the most out of the bread without wastage. Of course there isn't any wastage in this house as I'm happy to eat the in-between bits, especially when it's fairy bread!!
For an even prettier shape you can use tiny cutters to cut the centre out of the top shape which will reveal the spread. Jam looks particularly good. If only I could put my hands on our tiny cutters after our move!
We play games with our sandwich shapes. We count them and talk about their shapes. We sing songs and guess which ones are the odd ones out. I enjoy presenting the girls lunch creatively, the girls learn something in amongst the fun and hopefully the sandwiches look good enough to eat. Cookie cutter lunches don't just have to be reserved for party time.
We love cookie cutters too. We're making Christmas wrapping paper this year by printing with them and sprinkling glitter on to the paint before it dries.
P.S. Love to see you at our Play Academy on Friday if you'd like to share this idea.
I second Cathy's idea - it looks great, I have done it for Christmas cards in the past.
Decorating the shaped cookies is always a big hit at my place too. I usually get that icing for writing on cakes for this.
Cookie cutters are fab for making cute gift tags and lovely shapes from out of hand made paper pulp. Use a basic hand made paper pulp recipe. You can add inclusions such as flower petals, glitter, food colouring, dried herbal tea etc. Use the cutters to cut out the gift tag shapes from the pulp when it has been drained from the deckle/screen/frame. You can also add some live perennial seeds to make eco friendly plantable cute cookie cutter shaped gift tags!
@ Cathy - I LOVE your idea of adding the glitter. My girls would really go for that for sure.
@ Cat - Oh how I wish we had our oven in. I'd steal your idea for icing. Those icing tubes are great!!
@ Winnie - thanks so much for sharing your idea here at Busy Brissy Mum. I haven't made my own paper for a very very long time. It's something kids would love to do. My girls would really enjoy this activity.
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